STOR 612: Foundations of Optimization


Either STOR 415, Linear algebra and advanced calculus, or equivalent. If you don’t have one of these prerequisites, please discuss with the instructor to get permission.


  1. Mathematical formulations of optimization
    • Mathematical formulations of optimization
    • Basic concepts: decision variable, objective, constraints, feasible solutions, feasible set, optimal value, and optimal solutions.
    • Representative examples (old and new): production planning, network flows, optimal transport, least absolute deviations (LAD), and Wasserstein barycenter.
    • Forms of LPs and preprocessing.
  2. Mathematical tools from convex analysis
    • Convex sets, convex hulls, polyhedra, examples, and basic properties
    • Convex functions: definitions, examples, and basic properties
    • Geometry of polyhedra and solution structures of LPs: basic feasible solutions, optimal solutions, and existence of solutions.
  3. Linear programming
    • Mathematics of simplex methods: matrix form, tableau form, and examples
    • Two-phase simplex methods, finiteness, and complexity
    • Software for LPs: Modeling software and LP solvers
    • Dual problem of LP and its construction
    • Weak duality, strong duality, complementarity slackness
    • Sensitivity analysis, robust LPs, and applications (if time permits)
  4. Quadratic programming (QP)
    • Mathematical formulations of convex QPs
    • Examples (e.g. SVM, linear optimal control, and portfolio optimization)
    • Unconstrained QPs and solution methods
    • Constrained QPs, KKT conditions, and duality
    • Solution methods for general QPs: projected gradient and active-set methods.
  5. Unconstrained nonlinear optimization 
    • Mathematical models and composite problems
    • Representative examples (e.g., empirical risk minimization, LASSO, logistic regression, and nonnegative matrix factorization).
    • Subdifferentials, optimality condition, proximal operators, and projection
    • Gradient descent methods and convergence analysis
    • Accelerated gradient descent method and its variants
    • Proximal/projection operator calculations; proximal gradient methods; and accelerated proximal gradient methods
    • Implementation aspects: reducing per-iteration complexity, line-search, and restarting techniques.
  6. Stochastic optimization methods
    • Basic stochastic gradient descent (SGD) methods
    • Theoretical convergence guarantees of SGD
    • Mini-batch and variance reduction methods
    • Implementation and applications of SGD and variants